
My Sister Jodie Quotes

My Sister Jodie by Jacqueline Wilson

My Sister Jodie Quotes
"Maybe everyone names the thing they love best."
"I put my knees up and they’d clamber up the mountain and then slide down."
"I’d lie staring at the ceiling, making up my own stories."
"Jodie’s stories were always much better than mine."
"It’s not her fault. OK, she’s always been a bit headstrong, but she’s basically been a good little kid."
"I suppose I’ll turn into a lovely young lady at boarding school."
"I tried to play games with a family of pink plastic people, but it wouldn’t become real."
"I couldn’t bear the thought of chucking them in a black plastic rubbish bag."
"Maybe I’ll be a nursery nurse when I’m older."
"You don’t have to have a husband to have lots of children."
"We’ve got to be packed and out of here by lunch time."
"I’m not going to expect us to look spick and span when we’ve only just got here."
"I was dying to have a wee after four glasses of cranberry juice."
"Imagine keeping your kids at school all through the holidays!"
"It's great to be tall because ... you can reach things."
"He's not tall, Pearl, he's incredibly freakily gigantically elongated."
"You can't have black, Jodie. And that isn't even curtain material, you noodle."
"He's so tall lots of people would think you're sixteen or seventeen."
"I'm not tall, I'm incredibly freakily gigantically elongated."
"I'm not, though I didn't do anything interesting."
"Imagine, poor little Dan thinking our mum is his mum."
"You're nuts! Our mum's a good cook, I grant you that, but she's ever so unkind and impatient."
"I don't think she's even loved any of her boyfriends."
"It's lovely to see you with such a healthy appetite."
"I’m a meany old sister. No wonder you’re fed up with me."
"I’m very nearly eleven. And he’s not my boyfriend. He’s just my friend."
"You still love me best though, don’t you, Pearl?"
"You know I’ll love you best for ever and ever and ever."
"I’ve never heard of such a thing. You could have made this room so fresh and pretty and yet you’ve turned it into a funeral parlour."
"OK, start mourning your little corpse daughters."
"I hope you’ll take Old Shep for another walk this afternoon, Jodie."
"I’m not your dad. You can’t get round me by acting daft."
"She’s right. Morally and indeed legally. It’s totally against the law to kill a badger."
"I’m just an emotionally deprived child who’s languished unloved in too many boarding schools."
"It’s your party. You can eat your own food when you want."
"I wish I could tell her. I knew she’d have been impressed. But I smiled mysteriously instead, shrugging my shoulders."
"I thought of them huddling together underground. I hoped they would stay inside in the dark."
"I peered at her. I was never sure when Jodie was lying, she was so good at it."
"I sighed, gave the badger another stroke, and simply said goodbye."
"Jodie laughed. ‘No fear! I’m a very bad girl,’ she said."
"You think you’re Mr Know-it-all, Harley, but you know zilch about Jodie and me. I’m not speaking to you any more."
"So how about being my little rocket girl? Don’t you want to work hard and fly all the way to the moon?"
"She’s good at heaps and heaps of things. She’s funny and she makes up wonderful stories and she’s always looked after me and made sure I’m safe. That’s what she’s totally best at, being my big sister."
"‘Maybe you could write your own new ending for the story?’ said Mrs Wilberforce."