
Slightly South Of Simple Quotes

Slightly South Of Simple by Kristy Woodson Harvey

Slightly South Of Simple Quotes
"I love pretty much every quirky thing about my town."
"And Caroline has never been my favorite child."
"I thrive on the quiet and privacy of the off-season."
"I have always, always, for my entire life, wanted to be a mother and nothing more."
"I don’t say things to my daughter like 'Don’t eat those Oreos, or you’ll turn into a big fat cow.'"
"It was a gentle motion, a smooth one, a rhythmic one, with as much finesse as my own yoga flow."
"When someone sends you an e-mail every day with a new arm workout and an entire case of cellulite-reducing cream that costs more per tube than most people’s car payment, you get the hint."
"I realized I had been holding my breath when I exhaled."
"She would have done most anything to be close to him."
"Now that’s the American Dream," I said. "Starting with something small, working your way up."
"If you don’t have to work for it a little, it doesn’t mean a damn thing once you get it."
"I’m forty-two," he had said. "At this rate, I’ll be sixty-three before the first one gets out of college."
"So what, James? Did you expect me to sit around here and mope and mourn forever?"
"I will never, ever take you back on this side of hell."
"It’s not that much of a hobby since I only get to do it like three times a year."
"I am not suited for crib construction," I said.
"You could get pulled over," Sloane said. "You’re reaching for your license and registration as the sexy cop saunters up to the car and lowers his aviators at you."
"I would have packed my bag and bought a Bible."
"There was no explanation for how or why. And I think that’s how I knew it was true."
"I can’t imagine ever having a hobby that required waking up at five a.m."
"I didn’t want to remember. But I was a tad tipsy, and it felt so good."
"I know, Jack. But it doesn’t leave us in a different place."
"I’m so proud of you. I’m so grateful for all of this."
"That’s what marriage is. When your partner is falling apart, you have to buck up. Plain and simple."
"I’ll have you know that I got a perfect score on my driving test."
"Life is as much about surrender as it is about control."
"But I still like having my mom all to myself every now and then."
"The universe has a funny sense of timing, that's for sure."
"Sometimes something big has to happen to snap me out of it. But once it does, I'm done. It's over."
"We were all sitting on couches in our penthouse living room."
"I can't imagine if I'd had to wait around for James to decide what he wanted to do."
"But it occurred to me that it was her voice, telling me it was OK, that crossed my mind when I texted back: What time?"
"I might not ever be able to forgive James. And that would be OK."
"When you fall in love, real, consuming love, you're done."
"I wondered if it was to end world hunger, you're not posing for Playboy, and that's final."
"If I could eat like crap and still lose weight, then maybe I could forgive James, too."
"Something sparked between us like the electric start on a gas stove, just like it had all those years ago."
"Life by the sea is magic, but it’s time to move on."
"It’s very fair, you get nothing. I get everything."
"All I’ve ever wanted is to give you everything."
"Because I knew Carter was the man I was supposed to be with. I knew he was the man I was supposed to grow old with. But that didn’t keep me from still having those same first-love feelings for Jack."
"Even the people who drive us up the wall earn a spot in our hearts."
"Sometimes in the ebb and flow of life, we forget to take the time to think about the people who really make us who we are."
"No matter how bad things seemed right now, it wouldn’t be long until a gentle breeze carried in the sweet serenade of summer."
"I knew that there were some things in life, quite a few of them, in fact, that only a sister could understand."
"You have given me everything I ever dreamed of. I will love you until the day I die."