
Game On: Tempting Twenty-Eight Quotes

Game On: Tempting Twenty-Eight by Janet Evanovich

Game On: Tempting Twenty-Eight Quotes
"I’m not proficient in kung fu and eye gouging, but I coerced my cousin Vinnie into hiring me."
"Diesel is over six feet of hard muscle and bad attitude."
"This is why I drink," my mother said to no one in particular.
"If you could learn to bake a chocolate cake, I might consider marriage."
"Our paths have crossed. He’s not my favorite person."
"I’m a bail bonds enforcement agent. It’s not like I'm going to get sent up the river for ten years because I dropped my drawers."
"I almost got it," she said. And then she fell into the dumpster.
"One minute they’re prom queen and the next thing they’re whackadoodle."
I guess that’s a start," Diesel said. "What else do you like? What makes you happy?
"The good part about mooning as opposed to being a stripper or a clown. No one expects you to stay and entertain."
"I guess it’s sports. Hockey, football, baseball. I like to play pool and poker." - Morelli
"Cupcake, you’re always saying how you hate wind because it messes up your hair." - Morelli
"I’m pretty good at a computer." - Grandma
"It’s like they never saw a cookie before." - Grandma
"I need to talk to some people who are half a world away and aren’t available until after midnight." - Diesel
"I wouldn’t know what to do with the money. I have almost everything I need." - Melvin
"It’s important to have friends, even if you don’t know who they are." - Grandma
"A woman shouldn’t be expected to be rational in this condition." - Mary Jane
"You gotta have selective rage. You don’t shoot things that are valuable like people and éclairs." - Lula
"The thing is, you missed your court date." - Stephanie Plum
"You could have given that five dollars to me."
"We could make babies on this front seat."
"The bad part was that they seemed to produce a lot of it."
"I was running in his wake. I was more agile, but I wasn’t exactly Olympics track material."
"I hate to be rude, but you need to leave. You’re a financial liability."
"I need to use the bathroom and you have a death grip on me."
"He didn’t budge. He turned and looked at me like what the hell?"
"Okay, truth is, I felt stupid. I mean this was embarrassing, but I wasn’t giving up."
"It’s one of my specialties," Lucca said. "It’s like my head’s made of granite."
"Vinnie thanked the cop and the cart driver and pressed some money into their hands."
"Sweet," Vinnie said. "No wonder you didn’t want Lucca taking a leak in it."
"I had chocolate shake down the front of me and chili in my hair."
"The chase. And I don’t care what anyone says, you’ve got balls the size of Volkswagens."
"Probably just spare parts by now," Ranger said. "No self-respecting Demon would let a Porsche go to waste."
"This isn’t normal," I said. "You’re supposed to still be asleep. You never wake up before me."
"I’ve driven tanks that cornered better than this car," Diesel said.
"You’re getting special treatment," Ranger said to me. "The police won’t ordinarily patrol this block."
"That’s a beauty," Grandma said. "It looks like they did a good job with the stitches, too."
"I guess it wouldn’t hurt to look," I said.
"I got to catch my breath," Lula said. "I’m worn out from you shooting me."
"I can’t see any way of doing this except to break the window," Lula said.
""He has a hole in his chest the size of a grapefruit."
"I’m okay," she said. "I’m okay." She looked at Melvin. "Are you okay?"
"If it ended any other way, it might have turned into a media circus and that wouldn’t be in anyone’s best interest."
"It’s going to be lots better," I told him.