
While You Were Sleeping Quotes

While You Were Sleeping by Kathryn Croft

While You Were Sleeping Quotes
"This is Noah all over. The complete contrast to me."
"Yes, I am. I love the kids, and I love Noah, but I need to get back to me, if only for the weekend."
"His voice said depression, but his eyes told a different story."
"I have already counted how many hours I will have: fifty-six."
"I want to tell her that life is not always fair."
"I am making a difficult choice, but I have to choose my family."
"We sit like this for a few moments: together, but alone with our thoughts."
"But all I can do is carry on, and focus on my family."
"Relief floods through me as this explanation expands in my mind to become the only one that fits."
"My heart almost stops. It has caught up with me, just as I knew it would."
"Time ticks slowly, and I count the minutes since he left. Forty-four now. Forty-four bleak minutes."
"But there is always a motivation behind every lie."
"I had to sit there and bare the details of our marriage to strangers, just so they would believe I didn’t kill Lee."
"Despite knowing everything that happened today, Noah remains calm."
"I just want her to know that we’ll support her no matter what."
"I’m tired of not being able to trust her, of not knowing where we are with our own daughter."
"Despite her issues, Rosie knows how to take care of herself."
"Because lies are what destroy relationships, aren’t they, Mum? And families."
"We need to stick together, that’s how we’ll get through this."
"It’s about being there to support her. Being her mother."
"This feels as if it’s happening to someone else, not us."
"They’ll just want to find out as much as they can from the people who lived closest to him."
"But we all choose what works for us, don’t we? And I need to believe things happen for a reason."
"People don’t wear signs pointing them out as a wife beater or murderer. They’re often the complete contrast of what we’d expect."
"What’s meant to be is meant to be, isn’t it?"
"I can’t trust anyone, not even my own husband or daughter!"
"What if he came home that night and saw me with Lee? It would make sense that he wouldn’t want me dead, but he would have been furious enough with Lee to end his life."
"You’re making a huge mistake," he hisses into the phone, before cutting me off.
"We need to stick together on this. Rosie could be in a load of trouble and we need to help her."
"Friends don’t just turn their backs on each other when things get tough."
"I don’t want to be chased out of my own home because of a vaguely threatening phone call."
"The truth is when Cassie left me I decided I’d had enough of the force."
"I cannot do it, because firstly, I don’t need rescuing, and secondly, now that I’m here, I will get Mikey to admit the truth."
"Regardless of the bizarre situation, I am flattered by his compliment."
"I don’t want this question mark hanging over her."
"He’s doing it to get to me, because he will never have me."
"Relief floods through me. I did the right thing and stopped it before anything happened."
"I’m telling you, there is no way you slept with him."
"It's the kind of stuff that happens to someone else, isn't it?"
"I'm sorry it’s taken me so long to call you today."
"I just need to tell you something, and it won’t be easy to hear."
"I’ll have to live with this for the rest of my life."
"It’s my fault. All of it. Everything is my fault."
"I should never have left you alone in the house."
"You were so drunk, Tara, you barely even noticed when I came in."
"I have been so wrong about everything up until now."