
Requiem For A Dream Quotes

Requiem For A Dream by Hubert Selby Jr.

Requiem For A Dream Quotes
"I am not suggesting we need to give everything to the poor and homeless—the millions of them who are still here in the midst of plenty—put on a hair shirt and go through the streets with a begging bowl."
"This book is about four individuals who pursued The American Dream, and the results of their pursuit."
"For me there is something beautiful and ironic in the fact that all this is happening now, during a time of 'unparalleled prosperity.'"
"Visions are glimpses of the truth: Obviously nothing external can truly nurture my inner life, my Vision."
"Eventually we all have to accept full and total responsibility for our actions, everything we have done, and have not done."
"Maybe it's not perfect, maybe a little polish got on the fingers and it looked a little lumpy, but who would notice?"
"If the lights prevented you from seeing the heavens, then perform a little magic and change reality to fit the need."
"The street lights were now planets and stars and moon."
"I knew it, I knew the rat bastads were gonna do it, Jesus krist they gripe my shit the rotten bastads, the dirty rotten bastads."
"He and Marion continued along the streets aware of the dryness in their throats and a yearning in their stomachs."
"I dont know if youre talkin to your shrink or a judge."
"Women aren't supposed to piss or shit or fart or smell or enjoy getting laid— excuse me, I mean having sex."
"Perhaps, but the whole world doesn't embarrass me. They have everything but culture. They're gross."
"I see him once in a while and we have fun and there's no pressure. We just have a good time."
"She smiled, 'Not anymore. You cut'im loose?' 'Not exactly. I'm seeing him, but not as a patient.'"
"Harry laughed, 'You ballin him too?' 'Occasionally. As the mood hits me.'"
"That's what I loved about Europe, they're civilized."
"I'm going on the television and I thought maybe I should lose a few pounds so I look svelte."
"I could live on pineapple yogurt the rest of my life."
"The library was two blocks to the left, but she automatically turned to the right."
"Sara Gold-farb smiled at the librarian who returned her smile."
"She sat on the couch, hugging herself as she listened to the music."
"Harry was brushing the hair back from Marion's forehead, noticing how the dim light reflected from the perfect blackness of her hair."
"Sweetheart, I am not going to sleep with him."
"I mean simply that I know how to handle the situation."
"Anyone who sees a shrink ought to have his head examined."
"I'll think of you too eating and drinking wine and listening to the music as I'm working my ass off."
"You have? She had finished and the waiter took the empty plates and she sat back and smiled at Arnold."
"I guess thats better than you working your ass off."
"I'm sorry I havent been around for a while ma, but I've been busy, real busy."
"Your father and I were always wanting only the very best for you."
"Soon she would be able to wear [the red dress] and breathe at the same time."
"I got a lot of irons in the fire and I have ta be around ta take care a them."
"You oughtta lay off those pills. They're makin ya goofier than usual."
"I just called ya up to tell ya I love ya and that I'll see ya soon."
"All the purple [pills] are the same strength, all the red, etc."
"Today you're feeling jumpy? Yesterday you were sitting quiet and calm?"
"She sighed, 'I'm waiting, I'm waiting. I think it will come today and then I can relax when I know what show and maybe they'll tell me when.'"
"She tried on the red dress and golden shoes and spun around in front of the mirror looking so zophtic."
"She tried to watch as much as possible of all the quiz shows, but somehow she couldn't sit still long enough."
"She didnt even know. She only knew that they knew and that she was overwhelmed with shame and despair."
"She couldnt move. The light turned green. She clung. Knuckles white."
"If you want red hair you got to sit still already."
"She turned on the television and put the bottle of pills on the table next to the others."
"Because it makes me feel whole... satisfied."
"The worst that can happen is that she will have a few unnecessary shock treatments."
"A habit you do in your sleep. You can't think about it. You just do it."
"She was seeing Big Tim a couple of times a week."
"The only thing wrong with that poor old woman are the diet pills she's been taking."
"No matter how slowly time moves, it is inevitable."
"You can't judge the competency of a doctor specializing in a field of medicine to which you are hostile."
"The lights from the occasional car passing made them feel warm and secure in their well-heated car."
"That's okay man, just as long as the shit gets where it's going."
"Sheeit, there it goes. I guess this ain't going to be such a bad trip."
"You damn right jim. Ah don't want all those runny-nosed dope fiends bangin' down mah door."
"Maybe I'll get me a sun lamp and just lay back like you honkys."
"Thas the trouble with you honkys, you too soft."
"How much you figure we get? I don't know man, maybe two pieces."
"I can hardly move the son of a bitch. I'm gonna have to do something, man."
"You'll be the entertainment... you know, kind of enjoy each other's company, you dig?"
"We're not gonna let anybody know we got weight, we're just gonna cut that stuff and slip out a few bundles a night."
"What the fuck was that shit, man? Thas the solid South, baby."
"From time to time, he would be forced to go back into a spot in his arm that had been festering occasionally and was now a hole."
"The stench filled the cell. Harry and Tyrone stayed wrapped in their separateness and pain."
"The area around the highway seemed to be getting closer somehow."
"They were strung out, a fact that they pussyfooted around for a long time, but now it thrust itself right in their guts."
"We'll fucking die before then. What the fuck happened?"
"It wasn't only what she had done that was disturbing her, but the ease with which she had done it."
"It was like the light was saying, 'I love you,' and Harry knew that it was alright, that everything was alright."
"Eventually the spasms and retching passed and he was able to struggle through a day's work."