
An Invisible Client Quotes

An Invisible Client by Victor Methos

An Invisible Client Quotes
"Every bite of food we eat is like rolling a pair of dice. At some point, somewhere, someone was coming up snake eyes."
"If the calculation of damages in all the wrongful death lawsuits was greater than the cost of a recall, the manufacturer would recall the product."
"A consumer’s value equaled the amount of money that person could have earned in a lifetime, had he or she lived."
"I wanted to be the underdog. I wanted the jury rooting for me."
"The more tears she shed up there, the higher the dollar amount of the award in the verdict."
"You’re the best at what you do. I know that."
"It’s already been shown to this jury that you learned about the salmonella in unit 4379 on February second of this year, two weeks before the death of Jason Hardaway."
"I believe Mr. Rosenberg would like to take a ten-minute break to speak with me."
"Nothing can bring Jason back to me, but maybe I can make some other people happy with this money."
"I smiled, just thinking about it. A kid with nothing—no money, no connections, and no education—had sworn he would be one of the elites."
"He’s your daddy, though." "Yeah, well, sometimes I wish we could choose our daddies."
"I don’t think I am who you think I am, Olivia."
"The trick was not bankrupting the firm in the process."
"It’s not what anybody thinks it is, and there’s a new law school popping up every day."
"Poverty cuts deep, and I don’t know if the pain ever leaves."
"You’re the kind of guy who’s at a hospital on a Friday night because you know your client doesn’t have anyone else to be here with him."
"You can’t imagine how important that is. But I’ll do whatever you say. I trust you. If you say to take it, I’ll take it."
"Sometimes, people just grow apart. I was focused so much on building the firm, she got the sense she wasn’t the most important thing in my life."
"You don’t seem like the type of guy who wouldn’t help if he could."
"People lower their defenses when they’re bored."
"We got security guards that check our badges and scan ’em, and no one but the designated employees are allowed on the floor."
"What if you’re wrong? What if you’re wasting valuable time that could be spent investigating and catching the psychopath responsible for poisoning that medicine?"
"Holy shit, can you two not agree on anything?"
"Don’t get old. That was the advice my father gave me. I wish I would’ve listened."
"You just work on getting better. I’ll take care of your mom."
"The story of the pharmaceutical industry in this country is a story of saving lives."
"I won’t begin to tell you I understand it. I don’t think anyone can understand it."
"They’re asking you for a total of one hundred fifty-one million dollars. For what?"
"But that’s life, isn’t it? We take our chances."
"Even if his mother got the millions of dollars she was asking for, it wouldn’t bring him back."
"Their pride and joy right now is a pain medication that will not cause addiction."
"He’s gone. An evil that few of us can understand took him from us."
"I’m sorry, Ms. Whiting. I truly am. But putting this company out of business isn’t the answer."
"I called an ambulance. They came and took us to the hospital."
"He fought hard. As hard as a little boy could fight."
"The law can’t give me back my boy and it won’t put these people in jail."
"I would give it all up for one minute with Joel again."
"If you had an employee who got almost a hundred complaints in four years, would you keep that employee?"
"I’m not letting you turn all our good work into another yacht for you."
"No, I wouldn’t let them do this. There was something . . . there was always something."