
Lean In: Women, Work, And The Will To Lead Quotes

Lean In: Women, Work, And The Will To Lead by Sheryl Sandberg

Lean In: Women, Work, And The Will To Lead Quotes
"Success and likeability are positively correlated for men and negatively correlated for women."
"The ability to learn is the most important quality a leader can have."
"A truly equal world would be one where women ran half our countries and companies and men ran half our homes."
"We can't avoid this conversation. This issue transcends all of us."
"The time is long overdue to encourage more women to dream the possible dream."
"The promise of equality is not the same as true equality."
"The most common metaphor for careers is a ladder, but this concept no longer applies to most workers."
"I could never have connected the dots from where I started to where I am today."
"When I graduated from college, I had only the vaguest notion of where I was headed."
"Throughout my childhood, my parents emphasized the importance of pursuing a meaningful life."
"A long-term dream does not have to be realistic or even specific."
"Facts and figures could never have prepared me for this reality."
"The work never entirely suited me, so I stayed for only a year."
"In retrospect, this seems like a shrewd move, but in 2001, it was questionable at best."
"My heart wanted to join Google in its mission to provide the world with access to information."
"If you're offered a seat on a rocket ship, you don't ask what seat. You just get on."
"If society truly valued the work of caring for children, companies and institutions would find ways to reduce these steep penalties."
"Not every parent needs, wants, or should be expected to work outside the home."
"Just as I believe everyone should have a long-term dream, I also believe everyone should have an eighteen-month plan."
"Asking for input is not a sign of weakness but often the first step to finding a path forward."
"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any."
"Do not wait for power to be offered. Like that tiara, it might never materialize."
"Being unable to stand added a degree of difficulty to my first week of motherhood but also provided one unforeseen benefit: Dave became the primary caregiver for our newborn."
"The mother becomes the instant baby care expert. In our case, Dave taught me how to change a diaper when our son was eight days old."
"By the end of the call, I was in full panic, overwhelmed by how truly unprepared Dave and I were to handle these responsibilities."
"The division of labor felt uneven and strained our marriage."
"The emotional support and shared experience that a spouse provides cannot be bought."
"Women have made more progress in the workforce than in the home."
"Children are not a hobby. For most mothers, kids are not a hobby. Showering is a hobby."
"If women want to succeed more at work and if men want to succeed more at home, these expectations have to be challenged."
"Maternal gatekeeping is a fancy term for 'Ohmigod, that’s not the way you do it! Just move aside and let me!'"
"At best, people are open to scrutinizing themselves and considering their blind spots; at worst, they become defensive and angry."
"When reviewing a woman, the reviewer will often voice the concern, 'While she’s really good at her job, she’s just not as well liked by her peers.'"
"The goal is to give women something men tend to receive automatically—the benefit of the doubt."
"Working together, we are fifty percent of the population and therefore have real power."
"Only then can both men and women achieve their full potential."
"We cannot change what we are unaware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change."
"It’s up to us to end the self-fulfilling belief that 'women can’t do this, women can’t do that.'"
"Throwing up our hands and saying 'It can’t be done' ensures that it will never be done."
"We owe it to the generations that came before us and the generations that will come after to keep fighting."
"Successful women pay a likeability penalty specifically in arenas considered to be male domains."
"When people act in ways that violate our preconceived expectations, we take notice and evaluate them more extremely and intensely than we would otherwise."
"Men negotiate more than women and tend to reap more rewards from their efforts."
"In male group situations, women were found to be more influential when they made group-oriented statements."
"Having a strong record of public advocacy on women’s issues was rated an important hiring criterion."
"The cultural shift occurred that propelled all mothers toward spending more time with their children."
"Belief in one’s objectivity is linked with an increase in gender discrimination."
"We need to speak out, identify the barriers that are holding women back, and find solutions."
"Staying quiet and fitting in may have been all the first generations of women who entered corporate America could do."