
Three Wishes Quotes

Three Wishes by Liane Moriarty

Three Wishes Quotes
"You could argue that it started thirty-four years ago when twenty-year-old Frank Kettle, a tall, fair, hyperactive ex–altar boy, fell madly in lust with Maxine Leonard, a long-legged languid redhead just a few days short of her nineteenth birthday."
"In each case, however, the terrible result was the same. One of Frank’s exuberant little sperm cells slammed head-on with one of Maxine’s rather less thrilled eggs, interrupting what should have been an uneventful journey to nonexistence."
"At the exact moment Maxine allowed the very suitable Charlie Edwards to hold back her long red hair while she puffed out her cheeks and blew out nineteen candles, one egg fizzed with so much friction it split right in two."
"Cat and Dan shared a mild addiction to Med School. Whenever the plot took a new twist, they responded with loud enthusiasm, yelling at the television like children watching a pantomime: 'Bastard!' 'Dump him!' 'It’s the wrong medication!'"
"That Wednesday night Cat was feeling no specific emotion; not especially happy, not especially sad. It was strange afterward, remembering how she sat there, shoveling Dan’s pasta into her mouth, so foolishly trusting of her life."
"She wanted to yell back at herself through time, Concentrate!"
"Every moment he behaved normally was part of the betrayal."
"You think so?" said Dan. "Yeah. Don’t you?" "I don’t know."
"She was right there, under the covers with them, watching his hands, her hands, his mouth, her mouth."
"Gemma and Lyn had adored Dan from the moment Dancing Girl had come in second and they turned around to claim their champagne, to find him claiming the kiss he hadn’t won."
"It’s not like her to procrastinate like this. Come on, remember the third habit: First things first."
"He collapsed backward into a silly sitting position, like a clown, clutching his hand."
"You’re right, Rob. There are no guarantees. But I do think we’ve got all the right elements for our target audience."
"Sometimes it felt like all the people in her life were scavengers, pecking viciously away at her flesh, wanting more, more, more."
"She could change her programming, with a simple paradigm shift. She didn’t have to be a Kettle girl! She could be whoever she wanted to be!"
"My God," Michael shook his head slowly back and forth. "What do you think of that, Maddie?"
I bet I’m not," said Cat. "It’s probably just stress.
"I didn’t want to be in any category that also included Georgina."
"This is very exciting. I feel like I’m practically part of the baby’s conception!"
"People get pregnant from having sex, Mum. Not from a perfect marriage. You ought to know that."
"You and I are going to get along so much better, aren’t we?"
"I’m sorry, Lyn. I’m just saying we don’t need to stress."
"I’m sure your father waited on Mum hand and foot when she was pregnant."
"We were like, I don’t know, eighteen. We had our careers to think about."
"I think she’s suffering from depression. She just wants to sleep all the time."
"That was the reason for getting up tomorrow. That was the meaning of life."
"You’re not going to be one of those fragile, sensitive types, are you?"
"You could stop pretending to have a good time when you were dead."
"Just wondering how that could be when you DON’T HAVE A LICENSE? Are you mad?"
"You’re who?" Was he trying to say that he was really a woman trapped in a man’s body?"
"She changed her mind. She just went right ahead and changed her mind."
"If you’re poly, you believe in having committed relationships with more than one person."
"I have this thing about monogamy. Just ask my husband. My ex-husband."
"If she tried to talk, her mouth started foaming with saliva."
"Cat placed her little finger in the palm of the baby’s hand and watched his tiny fingers curl in a miniature grip."
"Those bubbles looked so pretty floating and dancing in the breeze—like hundreds of tiny little rainbows."
"Whatever it is that’s worrying you will probably turn out to be nothing."
"You’re fine, Dan. It’s not after 3 P.M. or before 9 A.M."
"Thank you for telling me. I’m fine. Really. But could you do something for me? Could you just go now, without talking, without looking at me?"
"You’re young, smart, talented, you’ve got no ties, you can do whatever you want."
"I would have given anything to be you with all those choices."
"He didn’t look at me. Did I mention that? He never once looked at me."
"The last time she threw something out, must have been 1950."
"I’m looking forward to when Cat has a similar revelation."