
Daylight Quotes

Daylight by David Baldacci

Daylight Quotes
"It’s not just my job that I won’t be able to do if I don’t find out what happened to my sister. It’s my life that I won’t be able to do."
"You never know what you’re capable of until you have to do it."
"The road to Mercy had been long and tortuous, and some days the destination seemed as unreachable as the summit of Mt. Everest."
"In a fight or a chase high ground is always better ground."
"I’ve got better things to do with my time than sit here."
"Knowing him, he’d planned this down to the last detail, only he had no way of realizing I’d walk right into the middle of it and blow the whole thing."
"You’re not just my boss. You’re my friend, Agent Pine."
"And while I know this is the twenty-first century, the fact that you are, well, you know..."
"I can still talk to his family. They might know something helpful."
"You’re not safe in your own house or apparently eating spaghetti bolognese at our place."
"It’s not like anything weird is going on there. People with too much money like Randy like to play the big man, right? We go there, we drink and have fun, and we do gaming and fool around some. That’s all. There’s nothing more. Stuff like that goes on in New York all the time."
"I hope to be long gone before then. I have to get in to work early. Did you really want to talk to me, or was that just a way to get him away from me?"
"The Aston Martin. Yeah, that belongs to Randy, too. He lets Tony drive it sometimes. If you’d asked me a year ago if I thought I’d ever be driving around in an Aston Martin, well, the answer would have been no! But what a sweet ride."
"The camera live-feeds to my phone through an app. It records all the time. It’s on some cloud loop or something that I don’t understand, but I don’t have to; it just has to work."
"I’m not sure I can ever make it again. I was making a batch of chicken marsala when I heard the shots. I’m not sure I can ever make it again."
"I’m afraid Mr. Vincenzo is not here." "I know, but he told me to meet him here. I, um, I think he’s coming later. I’m assuming there’s stuff going on up there, like usual."
"But we have to get to the truth." "Only reason I signed up for the job."
"I’ve been looking for him. He told me about the place. I went there. It was empty. How long did he stay with you?"
"Just take the picture and send it to the Bureau."
"It’s hard enough to get men to commit. It’s virtually impossible under one circumstance."
"And I can tell you it doesn’t come close to making up for it."
"But it was more than that. The bosses expected undying loyalty from the guys down below. But they never extended that same level of loyalty."
"I guess it would be absurd and trivial and even cruel to say that I’m sorry for what happened, though I sincerely am."
"You really just found out about his being your father?"
"Alzheimer’s was the worst thing that could happen to a person, Puller thought. It eventually killed you, like other bad diseases. But before it did that, it took away the one thing that made a person a person, leaving their physical husk reasonably intact."
"Puller glanced at his father’s still-broad shoulders and visualized seeing the three stars on them. There should have been a fourth star, but politics had gotten in the way of that."
"Fighting John Puller had never lost a battle. He had taken enormous risks, thrown out the Army playbook when it suited him, demanded everything from his men and given even more of himself."
"The men respected you, sir. We... we all do."
"Your bird still around? Outside the window. There was a nest last time."
"A Confederate Army general had once said that you almost always win if you get there first with the most."
"The military led the world in historical props, Puller knew. And they made more of them with every battle."
"She walked over to him and put out her hand. He shook it and felt the strength in her grip as he looked down at her from nearly a foot gap."
"They had backed Sands up to the same wall as he had the woman."
She looked her over. "It seems to have made you stronger. And if you’re as young as I think you are, then an overachiever as well."
"You’re going to kill me anyway, so what does it matter?"
"Life can throw us some curveballs, can’t it?"
"I didn’t like using Carol for that, either. But she doesn’t take unnecessary risks."
"I’m fine. I don’t jump tall buildings in a single bound right now, but I don’t have to."
"You can have judges, bureaucrats, cops, military, CEOs, folks in the media, and a slew of other targets."
"I’ll take that as the highest compliment you could give me."
"If they think I’m going to take this lying down, they don’t know shit about me."
"Sometimes I forget she’s not a trained agent."
"I’m not going anywhere with you. I don’t even know who you are."
"Do you want to die? Because we will kill you."
"A light rain had started to fall and the sky was darkening quickly."
"That’s risky, Pine, very risky. It could turn out disastrous."
"First time I’ve smiled in a long time, sir."
"We seem to be at a standoff, Agent Pine."
"Freedom of the press is in the very first amendment, after all."
"I will be delighted to subpoena you to appear before one of my committees."
"You fought the good fight. And see what it got you?"