
Act Of Treason Quotes

Act Of Treason by Vince Flynn

Act Of Treason Quotes
"The city looked frozen in time, and in a sense it was."
"Pardons could also be about bricks and mortar."
"The nation was without decisive and focused leadership until the new administration took over, and that left them vulnerable."
"Despite twenty-three years of service, Kennedy took none of this personally. It simply wasn’t worth it."
"Her chief focus for this last week would be to purge every possible piece of information that could come back and bite her, or any of her people, in the ass."
"It’s not a reminder of the subjugation of Arab women. It’s actually a team of Delta Force commandos who were on their way to say hello to an individual who, let’s just say, wasn’t playing by the rules."
"You’re either drunk or you have grown awfully proud of yourself."
"The key with these operations was to move slow and stay off everyone’s radar screen if at all possible."
"There was always one more job, one more operation to handle."
"He either went back to the States and got back to work, or he would drink himself to death. Rapp was a lot of things, but nothing more so than a survivor."
"What the fuck?" Rapp muttered to himself.
"Sneaky little bastards. The good ones could kill you from nearly a mile away. That was hardly a fair fight."
"Russians," Gazich growled to himself. "Goddamn Russians."
"What are you … KGB or Russian mob? Not that there’s a big difference anymore."
"Why the hell would you turn on that light?" Rapp asked himself.
"This whole damn thing might be over by the time you get here."
"Don’t make this about some macho bullshit. Just hang tight for a few more minutes."
"Shut the fuck up, or I’ll blow your balls off."
"I haven’t done anything, but there’s a third party involved and some of their boys got hurt."
"That’s your voice box. Keep your mouth shut until I tell you to open it."
"What’s going on?" Kennedy asked a bit irritated.
"You’ve got some issues, and you’re not going to solve them by keeping things bottled up."
"Because we all secretly want to be your mother or your lover."
"You start by asking only questions that you already know the answer to. That way if the detainee lies, you have grounds to make him uncomfortable until he tells you the truth."
"Usually twenty-four hours was the minimum time needed to properly disorient a subject."
"Light spilled into the dark chamber throwing Rapp’s shadow onto Gazich’s body."
"Is it time for my in-flight meal?" Gazich squinted and turned his head just enough to look at the shadowy figure before him.
"The fact that Gazich might harbor ill will toward the United States was something he had not considered."
"I prefer Bordeaux." "Great. So in addition to being a terrorist you’re also a wine snob."
"You don’t strike me as the caring type anyway." "You’d be surprised."
"The next plane out. The first plane I can get on that will get me as far away from Washington as possible."
"The big plane touched down softly at 10:47 a.m. Eastern Standard Time."
"I’m the one out here risking my ass to hunt this guy down."
"This isn’t a fucking debate club. It’s a benevolent dictatorship, and I’m not feeling very benevolent right now."
"In this business there are no days off."
"My job was to get you elected. And I did that."
"You’re damn right you do. I’ve been up all night working on this shit, and you won’t even tell me what’s going on."
"A piece of shit gets a lawyer, and that means I get to spend a week in some conference room getting deposed by a bunch of socialists who do pro bono work for fucking Amnesty International."
"The more pressing issue at the moment was to get Gazich to talk before he had to turn him over to the FBI."
"The problem was Mitch Rapp. He’d sooner get a colonoscopy than deal with the Justice Department."
"The next time this shit happens you can all get off your bureaucratic asses, pick up a gun, and head out into the real world and see how you fare."
"If he lied, even once, I shut the door and we start over again in thirty minutes."
"It is the stated policy of our bank to not discuss our clients under any circumstances."
"It was a difficult time to be in my business, but in difficult times comes great opportunity."
"You are interested in this Alexander Deckas?"
"More than you could imagine, including a confession, but for the sake of brevity I’m going to cut to the heart of the matter."
"I am an impatient man and I believe the two of us can get what we both want without turning this into a public spectacle."
"If my instincts are correct, the sooner you distance yourself from the contents of that box the better off you and your bank will be."
"Don’t worry, we’ll get this mess straightened out."
"I’ve known these two men here for some time. I’ve seen them both in various states of anger, but you, young lady, have somehow managed to really get them riled up."
"Effective people developed routines and efficiencies in their day-to-day lives."
"Nothing wrong with a little frigid gust of wind slapping you in the face to let you know you were alive."
"The eternally tan billionaire strode across the room pulling on the robe’s belt."
"We’re completely off the subject here. This meeting isn’t about Mitch. I’ll deal with him when he comes in."
"He gets wind of this and he’ll eat you for lunch."
"Times are changing, Peggy. Rapp and his boss have made a lot of enemies in this town."
"I never said I wouldn’t handle the case. I’m just not going to investigate Mitch Rapp, and that’s final."
"There were more often than not degrees of honesty."
"I do not need to read this book. I lived it."
"Not every person who worked for the KGB was a bad person."
"Interrogation 101: Confuse and disorient the subject."
"We are someplace very private. Someplace my own government knows nothing about."
"And you seek to win my friendship by lying to me."
"I'm going to say it one last time. This is not a game and I'm not amused by your reassurances."
"History favored the decisive. Those who weren’t afraid to grab power and use it."
"I'm trying to save your jobs right now."
"I have great appreciation for how difficult this business is, but this can’t continue."
"She sat there in her office with her damn expressionless face and told me she didn’t think it was appropriate to comment on the article."
"You know what really boils my blood about this article? This quote in here from a senior CIA official."
"If the man was indeed innocent, and he had in fact been tortured, I would agree with you."
"The torturing of someone whose guilt or innocence has yet to be proved is an utter travesty."
"His targets included a United Nations official, relief workers, politicians, warlords, generals, and at least one reporter."
"I'd love to comment on the accusation right after you tell me who your source is."
"We literally have nothing on this guy other than Rapp’s word."
"This is real power. Being able to manipulate world events."
"You don’t send a Boy Scout out to capture a monster like Gavrilo Gazich. You need to send someone like Mitch Rapp."
"As for your question as to whether or not the confession was coerced, I’ll let the totality of the evidence speak for itself."
"This is the man who remote-detonated the bomb that killed nineteen Americans this past October."
"What the fuck are we going to do? Those assholes said they were going to take care of this."
"I don’t care who they have to kill to put a lid on this thing. I want anyone outside the immediate circle dealt with, and I mean anyone."
"In truth it was a straight three-mile shot from the White House."
"When someone is constantly late, they fall into three categories."
"We need to get to the bottom of this while we still have the power to."
"Trust me when I tell you it’s important."
"How can you honestly expect me to stay calm?"
"I don’t fucking care. This guy is crazy."
"I’m going to do what someone should have done a long time ago."
"I was wrong to doubt you over an article written by a reporter with an obvious ax to grind."
"You have given me nothing but wise and measured council during some very difficult times."
"You know, Mitch, this morning wasn’t that big of a stretch for me."