
Just The Way You Are Quotes

Just The Way You Are by Beth Moran

Just The Way You Are Quotes
"Team Tennyson, our favourite chicken balti and all the sides. Who needs a man?"
"Tell her the truth, turn off your phone and GO AND ENJOY YOURSELF."
"Keep giving in to this and the Dream List might as well die."
"This was the last time my mother was going to control my life."
"What’s the alternative? Stay, and sacrifice your happiness for hers?"
"Why do you need a man to complete your Dream List?"
"I wasn’t sure what I enjoyed most – doing what I liked, or finally discovering what it was I liked to do."
"It would be far too easy to slip from pleasing Mum to pleasing a man, if I jumped into a relationship without taking the time to figure out how to please myself first."
"The sign clearly states that refreshments are for library users only. If you’re finished with your session, I must insist that you leave the hot drinks facilities for those legitimately entitled to them."
"You have to show him that you are the boss! Fun, kind, generous boss. But still the boss."
"I feel lost. I can’t help it when I say these things. I’m your mother; you can’t just cut me off. I need you, Olivia."
"It’s not the dog who needs the training. It’s the people who need to learn how to behave."
"No one – and I mean no one – not even the type of young woman whose opinion you might care about, and believe it or not I was once young enough to know – wants to see your nipples."
"If you can’t keep your children’s behaviour under control, then you must leave. This is your final warning."
"You’re too nice, this is your problem! If you act like a pushover then of course everyone is going to push you right over and trample on your face."
"I’ve only had him since yesterday. My eleven-year-old neighbour found him in a plastic bag in the forest and I said I’d look after him for her."
"Irene cleared her throat, her thumb rubbing the dressing on her burnt hand. ‘I have a lot of very important things to do.’"
"‘Please, Mrs Library Lady, you have to!’ ‘It is your job, after all,’ Trev added, grinning."
"‘Are we too late for the Library Lady’s stories?’ one girl asked as she rushed past."
"‘I don’t know what was worse, flashing my chest or the knickers.’"
"‘So, given that I’m a sworn bachelor, if you ever change your mind and decide you want a totally platonic partner on any of these Dream List adventures, give me a shout.’"
"‘I will make a thousand mistakes, I will take many wrong turns, and I may well fail spectacularly, along with every other person who ever lived. And when these things happen, I will shake it off and get back up again – maybe accepting a helping hand, if I need it – and I will keep on going.’"
"‘I’m the only woman who works here at the moment,’ Irene replied, stiffening her shoulders."
"‘We’ll be in a tent.’ ‘Depends where you’re going, I suppose. In my experience, trouble rarely finds those who aren’t looking for it. And taking a dog seems like a grand idea. He’ll let you know if there’s anything prowling about. Or anyone.’"
"Every other time I'd seen that look in a man's eyes he'd been about to kiss me."
"I know how horrible people can be, Ollie. I'm not getting my hopes up."
"We've completed a full tox screen, which with your permission I'll pass to social services once the results come back."
"You think my girl is going to wait another day to find out what's going on here?"
"She’d been lured away from home at sixteen, in a process that today would be recognised as grooming."
"I’ve not injected. See, no fresh tracks, here, Doctor."
"I have no idea what the hell we’re going to do if I’m not back on my feet soon, but I’ll worry about that another day."
"Maybe get through this summer, get through the Dream List, let things settle down with Joan, and then make the time."
"The dessert is white chocolate and sticky toffee pudding."
"Children are naturally curious. It’s a crime how quickly adults can stamp that out of them."
"Everybody dies. Hopefully won’t be too much longer for me."
"Your mother is one very strong, determined woman."
"Hundreds of people die every year before a suitable donor becomes available."
"It’s not just the big events that shape our lives."
"It’s great that you’re out doing the things you love."
"Because I don’t want to pass a major milestone like turning thirty without my mum being a part of it."
"I don’t want to travel the world having fantastical experiences. I want my adventures to be right here, to put down roots and build something solid that will last."
"The best thing about life is when we share our dreams and the adventures that are making them come true."
"Most heroes are ordinary people who simply have the courage to do the right thing when it needs to be done."
"Feeling the warmth of his chest, I had felt utterly secure in his arms."
"Whatever happened, I’m very relieved he’s been found so quickly, and that he seems fine."
"Sometimes two words can convey more than a whole conversation."
"It’s vital to familiarize yourself with the basic countryside code before moving to the edge of a country park."
"The worst of it is, we’d already decided to come back."
"It was the kiss I’d been dreaming of since I sat in my bedroom and started a list."