
Day 21 Quotes

Day 21 by Kass Morgan

Day 21 Quotes
"No one wanted to stand near the grave. Although four of their own were already buried in the makeshift cemetery, the rest of the hundred were still disturbed by the idea of lowering a body into the ground."
"The comforting crackle of the fire was conspicuously absent. They’d run out of firewood last night, and no one had been willing to venture out for more."
"How could there be people on Earth? It was impossible. No one had survived the Cataclysm."
"He’s dead," Wells said to Molly as he rose wearily to his feet before realizing that most of the group was staring at him.
"It was more than a warning. It was a show of force. Whoever they are, they want us to know that they aren’t happy we’re here."
"It seems like you have everything under control," Graham cut him off, avoiding Asher’s body as he met Wells’s eyes. "Carry on, Chancellor."
"I think heaven is wherever we imagine it to be. I’ve always thought mine would be on Earth. In a forest somewhere, full of trees."
"Bellamy, come on. I’m trying to be serious." "So am I," he said, rising from his chair. "Come here."
"We’re doing you a favor. Now people aren’t going to ask, ‘Who’s the weird little kid with the ugly ribbon?’ "
"Thank god," Bellamy breathed behind him. Wells looked up to see Clarke’s eyes flutter open. He exhaled and swayed slightly, woozy with relief.
"The upside to the meager portions was that they allowed Glass to admire the scenes painted on the plates—one depicted a couple in front of the Eiffel Tower, while the other showed the same couple walking a dog in a park."
"She looked perfect." There was a note of admiration in his voice that made Glass grateful for the candles, for the flickering light that obscured her old clothes and her sudden blush.
"I love you," he murmured into her ear. Then he boosted her into the vent, waited for her to climb inside, and replaced the grate.
"Because I’m sure it was the exact expression you used to make when you were a little kid and didn’t get your way."
"Not to mention, you would’ve looked pretty cute in the uniform." "Want me to try on yours, to see?" Glass asked innocently.
"She’s a human being, Bellamy, not some kind of monster."
"She’s not going to hurt anyone." The condescension in his voice was enough to make Bellamy’s blood boil.
"What do you mean?" "He left us. He’s moving in with"—she closed her eyes for a moment—"that girl from the committee." Her voice was flat, as if she’d tucked her emotions away as neatly as one of her elaborate dresses.
"You wouldn’t believe me if I told you the truth."
"You have to promise me you won’t tell anyone about this."
"Just watch out for the blue ones. They’re really spicy."
"People didn’t have to pay to go on the ship."
"The ones that weren’t greedy or foolish enough to get caught in nuclear war."
"He’d spent his whole life imagining what it’d be like to see real Earth ruins."
"I can’t stop thinking about those graves. I just wish I knew whose they are, how they died..."
"She would talk when she wanted to talk."
"Her kiss was soft, and tasted like sugar."
"I never meant to hurt you, and I hardly think this is the—"
"We’ve all done things we aren’t proud of."
"Our plan is to see what it is. Come on."
"We live not for ourselves alone. You have to take care of other people."
"We aren’t born for ourselves alone. You have to take care of other people."
"I know it’s hard to believe. I’m just so much better looking."
"I promise that I’ll never break curfew again, no matter how hard I’m studying."
"Peaceful and terrifying at the same time. Like you suddenly know the answers to questions you never even thought to ask."
"You might find this hard to believe, Graham, but there are far more interesting things to see on Earth than your little spear collection. If I had to spy on you, I’d fall asleep."
"I definitely didn’t have everything I wanted. Though I think I might be getting close at the moment."
"We don’t even know where Sasha’s people are, let alone if they realized that we had her. Besides, they weren’t the ones who killed Asher and Priya."
"I’ll be fine," Glass said. "None of the guards really care if you’re out past curfew, as long as you don’t look like you’re up to something."