
In The Bleak Midwinter Quotes

In The Bleak Midwinter by Julia Spencer-Fleming

In The Bleak Midwinter Quotes
"It was one hell of a night to throw away a baby."
"The cold pinched at Russ Van Alstyne’s nose and made him jam his hands deep into his coat pockets."
"His glasses fogged up within seconds in the moist heat of the foyer."
"His stomach ached and his knee was bothering him and for a moment he wished he had taken that security consulting job in Phoenix like his wife had wanted."
"We’re just like the men priests, except we’re willing to pull over and ask directions."
"Imagine how troubled and desperate someone would have to be to leave a baby out in the cold like that."
"The old linoleum floors carried the rattle of gurney wheels and the squeak of rubber-soled shoes."
"The pediatric resident, bright-eyed and way too young for comfort, entered the treatment area from behind a blue baize curtain."
"I was born here, lived here my first eighteen years."
"If you shine a light into a deer’s eyes you can freeze it long enough to shoot."
"I think it must be one of those random violence things, don’t you? Some stranger coming into town and raping and murdering the first girl he can lure into his car?"
"She was hit in the back of the head by something heavy and blunt, hard enough to make her unconscious. Then she was rolled off the trail downhill, to the edge of the kill."
"My father would have forced her to give up a baby if he was its father."
"I thought . . . I thought she’d finally be safe once she was in Albany. Once she was away."
"I’m trying to get a fix on Katie’s movements, to see where she might have gone and who she might have seen."
"Because if he didn’t, Cody would be one of those slack-faced little kids sentenced to poverty and neglect. Or worse."
"God damn, a whole deer season come and gone and he had been too busy working to ever get out."
"Then I’m sure it will be good and tender, Lyle, seeing as how he died peaceful-like, of natural causes."
"Lord God, for the blessings of food and fellowship we are about to receive, make us truly thankful."
"Small towns have the same evils that big cities do, just in smaller numbers."
"I’ve been fooling around with a Web site for Saint Alban’s, and I want you to tell me what you think."
"If you saw Ethan on Friday, he couldn’t possibly have... he didn’t kill Katie."
"But you listen to me, Russ Van Alstyne. My boy didn’t have anything to do with killing anybody, least of all Katie McWhorter."
"The hard part, that you can’t blame some ‘other’ when awful things happen. The ‘other’ is one of us."
"I think you can’t imagine people you like doing bad things, that’s what I think."
"This is life, in all its variety. Make your way through it with grace, and never forget that I love you."
"I think what would be unpriestly would be to let a friend sit at home all alone with no one to talk to."
"Seems like you already know me a little too well for comfort."
"If Katie had wanted Cody back, she could have just gone to DSS."
"Sometimes the answer is ‘This is life, in all its variety. Make your way through it with grace, and never forget that I love you.’"
"We’re not running orphanages out of Charles Dickens."
"Waiting on a baby when you can’t have one of your own makes folks a little crazy at times."
"I'd just hate to have misunderstandings later on."
"I make it my business to knit something for each one of my kids for Christmas."
"It was a miracle you were there, that's what I believe. A miracle."
"We don't need to hear from everybody who goes to church with them about what a great couple they are."
"I'm sure they're perfectly nice people. Just terrible eager for their baby by this point, I imagine."
"I promise you I'll talk to the police. I'll do everything I can to help you become Cody's parents."
"I've seen it before. Waiting on a baby when you can’t have one of your own makes folks a little crazy at times."
"I’m the one who persuaded her to come in here and tell you the truth! How you can twist that around in order to search her car and her house. . . ."
"No, you didn’t think. You just jumped in feet first without looking where you were going or considering the consequences."
"I’m trying to help the Burnses, yeah, I know. And you’re trying to help Kristen McWhorter, and the baby, and the unwed mothers of the world, and every damn soul you come across."
"The darkness and the light are both alike to thee."
"She has a sister, Kristen. She’s asked me to perform the burial service, as it happens."
"If you aren’t gonna do him, at least make sure he’s not playin’ with you."
"Suck wind, you loser! I’m gonna put your boots over my fireplace and laugh at you every time I see ’em!"
"You just jumped in feet first without looking where you were going or considering the consequences."
"The only way to deal with an enemy is to take him out. Period. Otherwise, you’ll never know when he’ll jump back up and bite you in the ass."
"It wasn’t her, it was just... it was too soon."
"No one understands sacrifice these days. No one appreciates what it is to put your duty to your family or your service first."
"If Wes had quit school to marry her, if he takes on her... kid, he’d regret it for the rest of his life."
"What we say here is just between you and me and God."
"My objective was to slow you down, not to kill you."
"The fact that there was a baby on the way. We never exactly planned any of it."
"You don’t have to pay to go to West Point, you know, so I didn’t have anything saved."