
Beautiful Day Quotes

Beautiful Day by Elin Hilderbrand

Beautiful Day Quotes
"I have finally reached the point with my prognosis where I accept that there are certain things I will not live to see."
"You will get married, and you have said that you would like a big, traditional wedding with all the bells and whistles."
"I won’t be here to encourage or guide you when the time comes; I will, sweet Jenna, probably never meet the man you’re going to marry."
"But enough feeling sorry for ourselves! I will, in these pages, endeavor to bestow my best advice for your big day."
"I wish for you a beautiful day, Jenna, my darling. You alone will make it so."
"I can’t stand the thought of giving Jenna away. She’s my last one."
"Marriage was the worst idea in all of civilization."
"Everyone is divorced. We owe our very livelihood to the fact that everyone is divorced."
"There is no man on earth better suited for me than Stuart."
"Please make sure he has a clean white handkerchief. He will need it."
"Margot could not abide people without hustle."
"Anytime she had thought about the wedding in the past twelve months, she had thought, 'When I don’t know what else to do, I’ll get drunk. I’ll just stay drunk all weekend, if need be.'"
"Religion is tricky. Think of Charlemagne and Martin Luther and the Spanish Inquisition and the Gaza Strip."
"I am going to proceed with this portion of the program as though you will be married at St. Paul’s Episcopal."
"Not a fresh vegetable in sight! Pauline would look upon the onion rings with disgust."
"I don’t know if you’ll marry a man who is Muslim or Jewish or a happy agnostic, and I will tell you here that I don’t care what religion your Intelligent, Sensitive Groom-to-Be practices, as long as he is good to you and loves you with the proper ardor."
"I’ve been to weddings where the officiant didn’t know the couple getting married, and he was therefore forced to deliver a canned sermon."
"I am a man who has lived and learned. I married the right woman, but I didn’t know it, I married the wrong woman and I did know it, I married the right woman a second time."
"Nothing with spinach (stuck in teeth) and no smoked salmon (bad breath). Trust me."
"Unlike Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket is no place for a black man."
"There are ten antique tablecloths in the attic of the Nantucket house in a box marked 'Antique Linens.'"
"She would eat her crab cake. She wouldn’t worry about Alfie’s tree branch or about what Edge was doing, or about whether or not Carson needed to repeat fourth grade."
"This is Alfie we’re talking about. This tree should probably be listed in the historic registry. It’s two hundred years old."
"When it came to weddings, all people were not created equally. There were insiders, and there were outsiders."
"Sometimes I’m glad she can’t see the ways that I’ve failed."
"I might be driven to sell your love for peace, Or trade the memory of this night for food. It may well be. I do not think I would."
"You can’t tell me you wouldn’t love an opportunity to vent your frustration with your family to a friendly acquaintance."
"I’ve done a lot of weddings, but this is one of the prettiest."
"I am crying now, but they are tears of love."
"You and Mom were such good parents. You gave us a lot of great memories."
"I didn’t want her to come—for a whole host of reasons, really—but she insisted, and I wasn’t brave enough to press the issue."
"Ann was a strong woman, but Jim Graham was her kryptonite."
"I’m going to suggest ONLY STANDARDS here because this will please the older guests."
"My mother left a notebook behind for my sister filled with instructions for this wedding."
"Life was a mystery, and nobody knew what happened when we died."
"I’m twenty-nine years old; I can handle it, Margot."
"They’ve been married five years. This morning, as I was driving my dad to Sankaty, he told me he’s going to ask Pauline for a divorce."
"She’s filing her nails while they’re dragging the lake."
"You want to be well rested for your big day."
"Of you and Kevin and Nick always keeping things from me. Trying to protect me."
"The only way he’d been able to sustain an erection with Pauline recently was to imagine her with Russell Stern from the Wee Burn Country Club."
"I’ve had a crush on you since the first second I saw you."
"Make it different from what people expect. Make it better."
"Love does die, people do change, everyone is unfaithful, vows do get broken, betrayal is real."
"He knew it was a mistake the second he asked Crissy, he said."
"No one knows what goes on in a marriage except for the two people living in it."
"Family is not the only thing that matters. There are other things: Pachelbel’s Canon in D matters, and fresh-picked corn on the cob, and true friends, and the sound of the ocean."
"Love is not all: it is not meat nor drink. Nor slumber nor a roof against the rain."
"You did such a good job with him, Annie, even when I wasn’t around…"
"It’s not a problem for us to watch them. They’re all happier when they’re together anyway."
"Of all the marriages I’ve ever seen, yours was my absolute favorite."
"Of course, all of it, he had loved all of it."
"It basically all boils down to who, in the marriage, will be responsible for the following: Trash, Emptying dishwasher, Mowing lawn, Laundry."
"This wasn’t a royal wedding, it wasn’t Westminster Abbey, Helen wasn’t British; she was from Roanoke, Virginia."
"Through good and bad, in sickness and in health, till death do us part."
"Expensive rings did not guarantee a happy life together."
"It was the Beatles, and who didn’t love the Beatles—but Ann drifted away again."
"I want your hands on my body. I want that so badly. And then I want your tongue inside of me..."
"I am thinking silk shantung, sheath, nipped at the waist, maybe off-the-shoulder—simple, classic."
"I thought maybe you were talking to your mother."
"Jenna and Stuart—now Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Graham, another Mrs. Graham, that was odd."
"I was worried I had chosen the wrong person."
"Doug realized then that he hadn’t expected Pauline to show up."
"Margot faked a smile and slurped another oyster."
"He’s not going to find out," Edge said. "We agreed."
"I’ll see y’all later, darling. I’m meeting Skip in town."
"If I could choose a place to die, it would be in your arms."
"St. John has a magic and a uniqueness, just like Nantucket."
"It was perfect right now. Too bad she couldn’t stop time and have it stay just like this."
"Hair of the dog!" Robert Lewis said as he toasted Ann with his bourbon.
"She could now wear white without worrying about competing with the bride."
"I could never believe you took Jim back. It seemed pitiful to me."
"I’m happy at Blankstar," Griff said. "Really happy. It’s the right place for me."
"I am grateful for all the blessings I have been given, especially you and Margot and Nicholas and Kevin, my strong, bright, beautiful children."
"Love is scary! Taking a vow to love someone through sickness and health, for richer for poorer, forsaking all others, until death do us part, is the most terrifying experience a person can have."