
The Last Protector Quotes

The Last Protector by Simon Gervais

The Last Protector Quotes
"True, it could be argued that he didn’t always play things by the book, but never before had he committed what amounted to treason."
"He had always seen himself as a patriot and a firm believer in the military chain of command."
"History would have plenty to say about the men who’d been complicit in those atrocities."
"If he stood up now, maybe history would treat him more kindly as a whistleblower."
"His whole body stiffened as a new wave of self-doubt burst to the surface."
"They would of course release him once they realized he didn’t know anything, but his son’s promising career would be ruined."
"To be taken seriously, he needed to come out of the shadows."
"He wished there was another way, an alternative that would see him remain anonymous."
"Sighing heavily, he grabbed the phone and looked at the screen."
"His face grew paler as he read one last time the draft email he knew would end his career."
"Hammond exhaled loudly, feeling the beginning of a massive headache."
"He winced. It was as if he had been gut punched."
"His jaw hurt like hell, and he had a strong metallic taste in his mouth."
"Disoriented, he raised his head, looking for his M240B."
"Only his boots, with the man’s feet still in them, remained."
"Her eyes shone wet. Her bottom lip trembled."
"White’s heart almost stopped. Suddenly, the only thing he could think about was the blue box in his pocket."
"He loved his job. But if forced to make a choice between the Secret Service and Veronica, the decision would be easy."
"He did his best to mask his surprise, but one of the special agents assigned to Hammond was already in the elevator."
"The blow sent him backward, but the agent didn’t let him fall."
"I need to check a few things before tomorrow’s meeting."
"In the interest of national security some things had to be off limits to civilians—that was simply common sense."
"I don’t think the Taliban fired the RPG, but it was Oxley who told them about your dad’s routine."
"For someone who had slept for less than sixty minutes, White felt surprisingly refreshed."
"Nobody knows for sure, Clay. Nobody really knows."
"What have you done to him to warrant his wrath?"
"Confused and angry, she wanted to scream at the top of her lungs or lash out at someone, but she was alone."
"Everything they’d worked so hard to accomplish... all of it was gone."
"To be willing to go to such lengths and to risk so much just to kill the app, somebody somewhere had to fear for their life."
"Besides, she had to think. She had to stay focused."
"His loyalty was why he’d agonized about keeping their relationship secret."
"It would take someone with high-level resources to do what had been done."
"The attack at the hotel, coupled with the loss of her project, had her emotions stretched way too thin."
"Someone betrayed you, the voice said as White’s feet continued to pound the pavement."
"I sent Clayton to South Africa to investigate a lead we had."
"Her father’s face changed, a look of regret flickered in his eyes."
"I’m the future vice president of this country. You can’t ask me to—"
"He tried to stay conscious, but the drugs smoothly slipped him into lethargy."
"Oxley looked exactly like what he was: an ex-soldier."
"Operations like CONQUEST turned good men into monsters."
"He promised her that he’d choose White over anything else. Always."
"In her book, that was the ultimate betrayal."
"He felt as though he’d been stabbed through the heart."
"I’m going to be present for her, and responsive to her needs."