
Nightfall Quotes

Nightfall by Shannon Messenger

Nightfall Quotes
"I wish I knew what the Neverseen wants with my human family."
"I promise I’ll check in—and you can hail me anytime you want."
"All you need to know is that I’m going to stop them. I was made for this."
"I can’t let anything happen to you. I could never live with that guilt."
"It’s okay to be nervous. I was terrified when Alden first brought me to Havenfield to meet Grady and Edaline."
"The thing is, all the years that I lived with you guys, I always knew something was off."
"I hope I’m overreacting, but in case I’m not, we need to reinvestigate."
"They were toying with everyone, keeping eyes trained on the wrong dangers, like evil magicians who’d perfected their illusions."
"If you’re trying to impress me, it’s working."
"I know it’s an illusion, but I hate fire."
"Sometimes I forget that you had a whole life before you came here."
"Division and strife always come with a cost."
"No one should be held accountable for their ancestors’ mistakes, so long as they learn from them."
"Making sacrifices for an organization won’t earn you their loyalty. Demand it."
"Because Team Foster-Keefe is going to win."
"No one has set so much as a toe in Brumevale without our permission for millennia."
"A narrow white lighthouse sprouted straight out of the clouds, standing alone in a silent pocket of sky."
"The swirling white mist climbed to her waist, obscuring whatever terrain lay under her feet, and goose bumps pebbled Sophie’s skin."
"It’s always been a place for reflection," Tiergan told him.
"Because it’s all I have left." His voice choked as he added, "That seed is not fake, Miss Foster. Nor was what happened in Lumenaria."
"I’m not sure how I’ll get anything done without having him question everything I’m thinking. It feels like I’ve been left with a hollow body and only half a brain, and . . ."
"He offered a weak smile, but Sophie shook her head. "I don’t understand why you waited this long to tell me."
"For several seconds she cried alone. Then warm, pudgy arms pulled her into a ruckleberry-scented embrace."
"I stand here before you ready to work, ready to fight, ready to do whatever needs to be done to win this battle. The question is, are you still with me?"
"It’s better to sit when bartering, don’t you think?" Lady Cadence asked.
"No one would ever call you stupid, Sophie. We just want to help."
"I don’t know how to fix this either," Grady said, gently pulling her into a hug.
"I’ve endured enough of Sophie’s multispeciesial studies lectures to know that your curriculum has been incredibly sanitized."
"Don’t let yourselves make that mistake. We need Dimitar as our ally."
"But I do know we’re not going to stop until we get your parents back—and deal with whatever else the Neverseen are planning."
"Well, if it gets ugly, you’ll have your panic switch. Though I’m not sure how I’d get to Ravagog to help."
"We’ll be fine. We’re doing things Lady Cadence’s way, and she always seems to handle King Dimitar without a massive disaster."
"Because crush cuffs make the best camouflage."
"I just didn’t want them sliding down your arm, in case that weakened the force field, but I don’t want them cutting off your circulation either."
"It’s just people’s way of feeling like they have a little control over their lists, even though they don’t."
"But all I care about is that you hold me accountable if something goes wrong today—and not her."
"I’ve, uh... I’ve been planning to use crush cuffs for this for a while."
"Your cape smells way better than this miserable boat."
"I think neither of us could relax because deep down we know we’re better as friends."
"We’re not actually cousins, Sophie. Everyone knows you’re adopted."
"You could’ve been way meaner about this."
"You’ll never lose me. No matter how any of this stuff goes down."
"I think it’s time for a trust exercise."
"You realize you can’t kill me with that, right?"
"It’s as simple as this. I named the challenge. The boy accepted. Now, he must fight, or forfeit."
"I wouldn’t have agreed if I didn’t know I can handle it."
"I see Cadence has prepared you well—though I wonder if she gave you an accurate picture of what to expect?"
"You think you can wield those weapons simply because you can lift them?"
"I’m not going to let you face any consequences for this."
"I’ve been giving me daily lessons for the last couple of weeks."
"My mom stayed by my side the whole first day, in case I lost control again."
"I thought I had a fever. So I took a few elixirs and went to sleep, hoping I’d feel better in the morning."
"But I do struggle with the idea of any ability being completely denied."
"Denying the ability only seems to make it worse."
"If they start monitoring me all the time, I’ll never be able to practice."
"The thing you need to understand, Sophie, is that sometimes we have to break so we can rebuild ourselves into something stronger."
"I’m sorry," Sophie told her, "And I’m sorry you had to go through that alone."
I know, it's not a great description," Tam mumbled. "But it's the only way I can think to explain it. There's nothing solid enough to grab ahold of. No individual layers. And when I push it around, it floods in on itself and bunches up, like when you stir something thick and sticky.
Excellent. But we're still not heading there now," Mr. Forkle warned. "And no, I'm not saying that because I'm trying to stall. You're forgetting that Lady Gisela still hasn't told you what she knows about Cyrah's death. And it's crucial that we give him all the bad news.
"I thought that might be your reaction," Mr. Forkle said, a smile tugging at his lips. "But unfortunately we aren’t planning anything that immediate. Prentice still has a tremendous amount of heartbreaking news to wake up to, and—"
"We once thought the same," Granite admitted. "But as I’m sure you recall, Prentice knew about the Lodestar symbol. And he dredged up the final pieces of it when Miss Foster transmitted the words ‘swan song.’ Combine that with the tremendous efforts the Neverseen took to keep him shattered, and it seems fairly telling."
"We’re just going to get him strong enough so I can search his memories and see what he knows."
"The best solution they could come up with was to have Tam wrap the lanterns in shadows to mute all but the faintest hint of their glow—but it also meant they could barely see where they were going."
The Neverseen must’ve found a food source for the Bucollosisia," Lady Cadence murmured, "otherwise they never would’ve had access to such a massive quantity of soporidine.
"This better be important!" Lady Cadence snapped, her voice thick with sleep as her puffy-eyed face filled the small screen. "And I mean life-changingly important."
"Are you really surprised that I’m curious? This young girl is the first human to experience any part of our world for many millennia. Can you blame me for wanting to know what she thinks of it?"
"You forget that Atlantis was not built as an obligation. It was a dream. A future where these human creatures that looked so much like us—and yet lived such very different lives—might inspire us as much as we could inspire them."
"Is a day any less worth living simply because you’re not going to remember it?"
"I assure you, I have no ulterior motive. I’m just an old fool longing for the past."
"But forgive me for craving this small glimpse of what could’ve been."
"It’s honestly the most beautiful place I’ve ever been."
"The joy she’ll feel will still be real in the moment."
"I’m not sure I can handle sitting around right now. I’m too antsy."
"You think I can just forget this? You think the question won’t be trapped in here with me, rattling around my head while I wait and wait and wait for you to come back?"
"You can't control everything that's going to happen, Sophie. It's about believing you can handle whatever happens."
"The real secret to facing these kinds of challenges is to go in knowing that something will go wrong."
"It's not about perfect plans. It's about believing you can handle whatever happens."
"Remember who your enemy is—really remember. Because it'll be easy to lose sight of everything once you're in there."
"You will regret it if you don't destroy that facility, Sophie. Just as you will regret it if you allow Fintan to remain breathing."
"She couldn’t figure out why it hurt so much—or wouldn’t let herself admit it—until she was away from Keefe’s prying Empath senses, alone in her bed later that night with nothing but Iggy’s snoring and her own miserable thoughts for company."
"We don't know anything about Vespera. We don’t know if the soporidine plays into any of this, or if that’s a separate thing we’re going to regret ignoring."
"I need my Foster back—the real one, who bosses me around and is way too much fun to tease."
"And yet, when they regrouped at Havenfield the next day, no one had any good news."
"So she endured the endless pattern: sessions, homework, research, checking on her sister, bedtime, repeat. Even though it felt like she was drowning."
"Only a blast of cold misty air swirled out of the shadowed space beyond."
"Give us two minutes," Ro told Keefe. "Then follow—unless you hear a whole lot of screaming."
"Most likely it was already buried," Grady murmured.
"I need to get Linh away from all of this water," Tam called, pulling his sister into the fountain.
"They lingered there, in that last safe space, locking hands and giving themselves a second to prepare."
"Technically, Wylie pretended to be working against the Black Swan," Fitz told him.
"All I’m getting is dust and ash," Ro added.
"What if I told you I would release them right now if you swore to leave this facility and never return?"
"Then you should blame Gisela as well," he told her.
"Everyone has grown so accustomed to mediocrity that when they find themselves faced with true greatness, they fail to appreciate it."
"Fintan’s deep voice bounced all around them as he said, 'Ruthlessness.'"
"Sophie’s eyes shifted to her, brow furrowing again as he studied her with that vacant stare."
"Do not tempt me, Keefe. Same goes for you, Sophie."
"I suppose I can respect that. Very well. Consider me your reluctant new ally."
"And let me guess—you’ll only give those to us if we let you go?" Keefe asked.
"You’re destroying an entire city—to test us," Keefe said.