
Quotelers - Quotes on Any Topic

Treding Quotes

"The optimistic view of it is that by knowing that we have all things inside of us potentially and by embracing that fact, we can manage that."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Meanwhile, what a kid feels like when we say, 'I believe you,' to a hard experience or hard feeling is, 'The feelings that overwhelm me don't overwhelm my parents. They can tolerate it. They're not scared of me being a loser in gym class one day.'"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Physiology wants to return to homeostasis. What happens in terms of adaptation is, you've challenged it to a level that it realizes if it does not make a change, it will not be able to get back to the same level of homeostasis."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"All you can do is outwork the man or woman in you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You just sort of find yourself doing it because the behavior of picking up your phone is sort of reflexive, or has become fully reflexive."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Protecting our young is after all one of the primary adaptive drives of our species, and thank goodness it is."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We're social animals. And we're probably generally happiest, even for natural contrarians among us, when we're part of a tribe."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I want to be available to my kids first and foremost."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The brain and our decisions about what we are going to stick to are tremendously powerful."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"And perhaps most importantly, today's episode provides information and protocols that anyone can use to cultivate their generative drive, which is a hallmark of mental health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Omega-3 fatty acids... have been shown to have significant effects in reducing the intensity or frequency of tension type headaches, migraine type headaches."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What is dissociation? A lot of people might not have experienced it, but it's actually very common. More than 70% of people who've been through trauma experience dissociation."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Testosterone doesn't cause aggression. It lowers the threshold for the sort of things that would normally provoke you into being aggressive so that it happens more easily."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People want to feel attractive and attracted. People want to make sure that there's stability in the relationship."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We can control the speed at which we experience life. We can slow things down or we can speed our experience of life up."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We have full body autonomy, and that's one of the main principles of healthcare."
"What's so fascinating about the amygdala and processing of fear is the same brain region is conserved across all mammals."
"We know that [reinforcement learning] is enough for intelligence because this is the way that all mammals, including humans, learn."
Demis Hassabis
"Gamification, when applied correctly, can help us drive untold creativity, a new kind of creativity one that's pretty different from the creativity we thought of before."
Gabe Zimmerman
"We have to start seeing creativity as a fundamental human skill."
"Every time you eat a fruit, you're not just eating a snack; you're sipping Nature's finest beverage, giving your circulatory system a VIP pass to the express lane."
"Watermelon isn't just about spitting seeds and Instagrammable moments; it's packed with citrulline, a magical amino acid that gets converted into arginine, which then becomes nitric oxide. Let's just call it the VIP guest at the blood flow party."
"Our brains are not designed to fix dissonance... our brain is designed to fabricate logical reasons for illogical behavior."
"Always try to...take our advice from the best example that we have, that is the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam."
"Technology is selecting for and entraining a shorter attention span, which is one of the reasons why ADHD is getting worse."
"When you're a young man and you're on self-improvement and you're delaying gratification, there's not that many people like you just in the world."
"Art really saved my time in the hospital, and it helped me kind of like put my pain and suffering into something."
"If you're a woman interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, do it. Study it, learn it. We need you."
"There is so much that goes on in a look that we share with another person about ourselves."
"Human resources, like natural resources, are often buried deep. You have to go looking for them; they're not just lying around on the surface."
"The first thing is to change our school environments from places where we score kids and track them based on scores to a place where every child is seen as an individual and is treated as valuable and is treated as a person with infinite potential to learn."
"With the pandemic and everything going on, we may be entering a new golden age of Cults, a generation-defining event that is completely upended social norms."
"Losing is in how you deal with losing. It's extremely important in trading because winning is easy; it takes care of itself. The key to trading is learning and figuring out how to take a loss."
"Touch releases oxytocin, which is this little chemical that floats in your brain in your blood and it helps you be kind to other people and cooperate."
"Treat yourself and others with dignity and respect."
"We are creatures that are supposed to live outside and... in tune with the rhythms of nature."
"Living a life of gratitude is actually living a life telling himself over and over: be grateful."
"At the end of my life, I'm going to ask these questions about life: Did I live? Did I love? Did I matter?"
"Schools are not just engines of social mobility, they're also engines of social cohesion."
"Anastasia asserted that she could handle insults directed at her but not those aimed at her family and her father, the Duke."
"If you're grateful for what you have, you'll be given more to be grateful for."
"Grateful people aren't angry and they don't see themselves as victims."
"The less attention we commit to instant gratification activities and the more we invest into delayed gratification, the better our life gets."
"Understanding what someone is going through, why they did what they did, is powerful because it just kind of takes the self-blame away."
"You have the power to thrive; you have the power to live your best life ever."
"Start small... there are tried and true scientifically based ways to decrease your anxiety and improve your mood state."
"Shop the perimeter of the grocery store... the less you go down the aisles, the more likely you are to be getting whole foods."
"Anything you do that affects your energy balance...is enough to substantially protect against diabetes."
"Clozapine is routinely regarded as the single most effective agent that we have in the fight against schizophrenia."
"Using a specific form of hypnosis, people can achieve complete and total cessation of cigarette smoking through one single hypnosis session."